Avisos Legais
1.1.Que dados pessoais do titular são tratados pela JALBER,LDA (PRIVATE COLLECTION - CLASSIC& SPORTS CARS)?
Os dados pessoais que serão solicitados, tratados e armazenados pela "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" como dados pessoais obrigatórios são, o seu nome, morada, e-mail,contactos telefónicos e número de identificação fiscal.
Tais dados destinam-se ao envio de ofertas e comunicações de marketing (envio de publicidade e correspondência promocional) ou apenas para questões de contrato e facturação.
Não é guardada qualquer informação referente a cartões de créditos do utilizador.
1.2.Como se processa a recolha dos dados?
A recolha dos dados pessoais do titular pode processar-se por uma ou mais das seguintes formas: pelo preenchimento da ficha de cliente nas instalações da "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" ; pelo registo no site da "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" e realização de pedidos via site; no reporte de um problema pós-venda; na apresentação de uma reclamação; informação fornecida quando reporta um problema com o nosso sítio web; informação fornecida pelo cliente, na qualidade de titular dos dados, quando realiza compras com destino à exportação, tais como nome, morada, número de identificação fiscal e Passaporte;
1.3.Quem é o responsável pelo tratamento dos dados pessoais do titular?
O Responsável pelo tratamento dos dados pessoais do Titular, no âmbito da nova legislação é a Jalber,Lda , pessoa colectiva n.º 500148155, com sede na Rua Gomes Freire, nº96, 1150-169 Lisboa,Portugal e com o seguinte mail de contacto geral@privatecollection.pt.
1.4.Como são guardados os dados recolhidos pela "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars"?
A "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" recolhe a informação do titular dos dados para efeitos da manutenção por este de um registo comprovativo de ordens e/ou instruções, em suporte informático, magnético ou mediante o arquivo de documentos originais escritos.
1.5.Quem tem acesso aos dados pessoais do titular?
Os trabalhadores da "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" e consultores autorizados no fornecimento dos respetivos serviços (por exemplo, serviços de apoio ao cliente, gestão dos sistemas informáticos da "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars", gestão dos sistemas IT, na qualidade de funcionários responsáveis pelo tratamento dos dados, e/ou administradores dos sistemas, e/ou subcontratantes internos de dados), bem como os trabalhadores e consultores da "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" dos departamentos Comercial, Financeiro, Administrativo, de Contabilidade e de qualquer outro departamento relevante da "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars", na qualidade de pessoas responsáveis pelo tratamento dos dados e/ou subcontratantes internos.
1.6.Para que é que a "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" necessita dos dados pessoais do titular?
A "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" utiliza os dados pessoais para gerir encomendas, fornecer produtos e serviços, processar pagamentos e pagamentos eletrónicos, transmitir encomendas, produtos e serviços; satisfazer os pedidos do titular dos dados, nomeadamente, para gestão de pedidos de informação; enviar para os titulares dos dados produtos ou serviços adquiridos na loja; enviar para os titulares dos dados comunicações operacionais relacionadas com a realização de exposições/apresentações, prestação de serviços e com a assistência na venda e pós-venda; permitir a inscrição do titular dos dados no sítio web; prestar os serviços disponíveis através do sítio web (designadamente, para a gestão do processo de inscrição, o acesso à conta, a gestão da conta); gestão técnica do sítio web e das suas funções operacionais (incluindo logística), nomeadamente, resolução de problemas técnicos, análise estatística, testes e investigação; impedir e detetar atividades fraudulentas ou a utilização abusiva do sítio web que possa prejudicar ou constituir uma ameaça para a segurança das transações; cumprir as exigências normativas constantes de regulamentos e protocolos, assim como a legislação nacional e europeia; execução de decisões das autoridades públicas; proteger a segurança de um particular; defesa da "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" perante tribunais ou outras entidades públicas; disponibilizar ofertas; enviar comunicações promocionais e comerciais, atualizações periódicas (nomeadamente, através de mensagem eletrónica, por telefone, envio de SMS/MMS, por via postal, através das redes sociais e de boletim informativo) relacionadas com produtos em exposição e outras ofertas; enviar comunicações sobre iniciativas ou eventos organizados pela "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" ou com a sua colaboração; elaborar análises estatísticas, inquéritos ou estudos de mercado, por via postal, telefónica ou através de mensagem eletrónica, relacionados com as actividades comerciais da "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars".
1.7.A quem é que a "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" transmite os dados pessoais do titular?
A "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" apenas utiliza os dados pessoais do titular para tratamento interno.
Utiliza também a "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" os dados pessoais dos titulares para a emissão de facturas com a indicação do número de identificação fiscal, transmitindo-o, quando seja caso disso à Autoridade Tributária.
1.8.Por quanto tempo é que a "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" conserva os dados pessoais do titular?
Se o titular de dados pessoais revogar seu consentimento, a "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" compromete-se a eliminar os seus dados pessoais no prazo de 1 (um) mês após a referida revogação.
A "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" conservará os dados transacionais (dados após pedido de revogação do consentimento) pelo prazo de 10 (dez) anos, por imposição legal.
A todo e qualquer momento, o titular poderá revogar o seu consentimento, através do seguinte endereço de e-mail:geral@privatecollection.pt
1.9.Quais são os direitos do titular de dados pessoais e como poderá este exercê-los?
Por regra, o titular tem os seguintes direitos no âmbito da proteção de dados pessoais: direito de acesso, direito de retificação, direito de apagamento, direito de limitação do tratamento, direito de portabilidade, direito de oposição e direito de não ficar sujeito a decisões automatizadas e todos os outros previstos nos arts, 16º a 21º do RGPD. Para exercer qualquer um destes direitos, o titular deverá contactar a "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" através do e-mail:geral@privatecollection.pt.
Poderá ainda o titular exercer os respectivos direitos dirigindo-se à sede da "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" e preencher o formulário disponível para os efeitos pretendidos ou mediante pedido escrito, endereçado à "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars".
A "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" procederá à análise cuidada dos pedidos, avaliando a sua legitimidade, pertinência e dando resposta em tempo oportuno.
Caso necessite, o titular poderá, ainda, apresentar reclamação junto da Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados (CNPD).
1.10 Titulares de dados de menores de 18 (dezoito) anos
A "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars" não tem intenção de recolher informação pessoal de menores de 18 (dezoito). Quando um menor de idade se pretender registar no âmbito das actividades comerciais, tal só será admitido com o consentimento expresso dos seus Pais ou Tutores, prévio à recolha de qualquer dado de carácter pessoal.
Alertamos os pais ou tutores para a importância de informarem os menores de idade acerca da utilização responsável e segura dos seus dados de carácter pessoal quando participarem em atividades online.
Os dados serão conservados nos servidores da "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars"em espaços próprios e/ou de terceiros dedicados e devidamente acreditados para efeitos de cumprimento do RGPD, localizados no território da UE.
1.12.Alteração à política de privacidade.
A nossa Política de Privacidade pode ser alterada periodicamente e está disponível para consulta na nossa sede e no sítio web da "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars", www.privatecollection.pt
Qualquer alteração à política de privacidade será publicada naquele sítio web e quaisquer as alterações significativas serão destacadas.
A prestação da presente informação não exclui o direito de o titular de dados pessoais requerer informação, nos termos do artigo 15.º do RGPD.
Intermediação de crédito:
Intellectual property
The Company owns the rights on all the items put online on the Website (in particular texts, images, softwares, excepted information given by the users), which are protected by Portuguese and international laws related to intellectual property.
In addition, the Company owns all rights on the databases created with the Website - as a producer of the said base - which may contain information given by the user.
The Company also owns the brand "Private Collection - Classic & Sports Cars".
user shall not copy, reproduce, disseminate all or part of the
Website, in any form, in the absence of a written and prior
authorisation of the Company.
More generally, the user shall
not violate any intellectual property rights owned by the Company.
The Company reminds that any violation the integrity and the proper functioning of the Website may engage the liability of its author.
Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
Portuguese law will be the only law applicable to the relations between a user and the Company.
In the event of a disagreement because of the execution or the interpretation of this legal notices, the parties agree that, prior to any legal action, any claim needs a prior formal notice with a return receipt.
After ten (10) days following the sending the said notice remained unanswered, each party may initiate any legal proceedings.
The competent jurisdiction shall be determined pursuant to ordinary law rules, unless the user has a status of trader.
For the traders , any dispute between the parties, concerning the commercial relations and, in particular, concerning the closing, the interpretation, the execution and the termination of any contract will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Company's head office, even in the event of multiple defendants or the introduction of third parties.
General conditions of use and sale
1. Purpose of these general conditions of use and sale
The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale (hereinafter the "GTCUS") is to define the terms and conditions governing relations between Users and the Company specifically when the Company provides a service, even free of charge, to a User, in particular via the www.privatecollection.pt website (hereinafter the "Site").
These GTCUS constitute a
contractual agreement for an indefinite period from their acceptance
by the User.
The User undertakes, when using a service, to comply
with all of the GTCUS without any reservations. Consequently, the
User acknowledges having read the GTCUS and agrees to be bound by its
provisions. If the User accesses the Site on behalf of a company or
any other legal entity, he is personally bound by the GTCUS.
GTCUS prevail over any other document that could have been
communicated to the Company. The Company may modify the T&Cs at
any time. The applicable GTCUS are those in force on the day of use
of a service.
Services made available to users on the site
Submission of advertisement
Object :
Company offers the possibility to a User wishing to sell his
automobile to publish an advertisement for the sale of an automobile
which he wishes to sell via its digital platform.
This service is
free and without obligation to sell for the User.
The Company
reserves the right to accept or refuse the automobile after having
studied its characteristics and, in particular, the expected selling
price of the User.
In order
to benefit from the service, the User must complete a form to provide
the characteristics of the automobile for sale, in particular the
selling price.
Based on this information, the Company reserves the
right to accept or refuse the vehicle.
If accepted, the sale
announcement is published on the Site.
If necessary, the User
accepts that the Company contacts him in order to obtain additional
information on the said automobile.
Commitment and responsibility
of the Company:
Maximum duration of publication of the
announcement: three (3) months maximum.
The Company makes no
commitment that the User's automobile will find a buyer.
Company does not commit to any response time.
The Company is a
simple technical service provider that manages an IT and software
infrastructure made available to Users.
Consequently, the Company
is neither an agent, nor agent, nor representative of the Users.
is recalled that the Company is a third party to the relationship
between the User and the people interested in his automobile. In the
event that an agreement is concluded between the User and a person
interested in his automobile, the Company has no obligation towards
them under the terms of said agreement.
Consequently, the User
acts under his sole and entire responsibility, the service offered by
the Company being only a connection.
The Company does not in any
way guarantee the sincerity of the information transmitted by the
User or the persons interested in his automobile.
The User and the
person interested in his vehicle are therefore required to carry out
all the due diligence they deem necessary to verify the information
User commitment:
The User undertakes to have the
real and serious intention of selling his vehicle at the sale price
The User agrees to provide correct information and
assumes that it is his sole responsibility. It is therefore up to the
User to verify the accuracy of said information and to immediately
report any errors.
The information provided, including
photographs, must not be likely to undermine public order or
morality, to provoke protests from third parties, or to contravene
the legal provisions in force.
Photographs must be of high
The Company nevertheless reserves the right to refuse or
delete at its discretion any information that it deems inappropriate
or contrary to the spirit of the Site.
Sales intermediary
2.2.1 Assisted selling
article defines the terms and conditions under which a User entrusts
a mission to sell one or more automobiles to the Company.
The Company offers the possibility of assisting Users in the
sale of one or more automobiles.
For the User, this consists of
entrusting the sale on an exclusive and irrevocable basis to the
Company, involving the performance of development services,
distribution of sales announcements, management of the announcement,
price negotiation and, more generally , accompaniment until the sale
of or automobiles.
As part of this mission, the User asks the
Company to act on his behalf when necessary, in particular to publish
an advertisement or negotiate the price. On the other hand, the
Company does not act on behalf of the User who remains the signatory
of the deeds, in particular the deed of sale.
Price :
The price
of this mission is composed of:
a price to be paid at the launch
of the services depending on the formula chosen by the User;
success price, in the event of the sale of the automobile,
immediately due by the User to the Company on the day of the sale of
the automobile determined as follows:
- one thousand two
hundred (1,200) euros including tax for a sale price between 0 and
20,000 euros;
- six percent (6%) including tax of the sale
price for a sale price between 20,000 euros and 150,000 euros;
- five percent (5%) including VAT of the sale price for a sale price
between 150,000 euros and 500,000 euros;
- four percent (4%)
including tax of the sale price for a sale price exceeding 500,000
Terms :
duration of the mission begins from the payment of the introductory
price of the services until the expiry of the duration of six (6)
months from the posting of the advertisement for the sale of the said
The success prize will be paid to the Company by the User
upon completion of any sale during the duration of the mission. This
same remuneration will be due in the event of sale, within one (1)
year after the expiry of the duration of the mission, to any
purchaser arriving during the duration of the mandate.
In the
event of sale, in order to secure the payment of the sale price of
the automobile, this will first be paid by the purchaser into the
Company's escrow account. Then, after deduction of the Company's
remuneration and any transfer tax, the balance will be paid to the
In the event of renunciation to sell, the User will be
liable for 50% of the commission to the Company calculated on the
sale price of the automobile.
User fills out a form allowing the Company to know the automobile he
wishes to sell with its characteristics and its expected selling
If necessary, the User accepts that the Company contacts
him in order to obtain additional information on the said
The Company and the User agree on a minimum net
selling price.
After payment of the introductory price of the
services, the Company will carry them out as soon as possible.
reading the expert or inspection report, the minimum net selling
price may be reviewed.
The Company writes a sale announcement,
distributes it, receives calls from potential buyers, transmits
information, negotiates the sale price and organizes meetings between
potential buyers and the User.
The User must keep the Company
diligently informed of the actual outcome of the sale.
of the Company:
The responsibility of the Company is limited to
putting the User in touch with potential buyers.
The Company makes
no commitment that the User's automobile will find a buyer.
Company is not responsible for verifying the accuracy of offers and
will not be liable in the event that a buyer makes an inconsistent or
inaccurate offer.
The User will be solely responsible for his
choices such as whether or not to sell the automobile.
The Company
does not commit to any response time.
User commitment:
The User
be the sole legal owner of the automobile he wishes to
sell and have its full and free disposal;
have valid insurance in
his name on the said automobile;
undertake to inform the Company
as fully as possible about the said automobile, its condition, its
history, its history and the incidents which may have affected
have the automobile in his hands at an address that he
entrusts to the Company;
agree to make said car available to the
Company so that it can pass on an expert, a photographer and
potential buyers to come;
refrain from selling the said automobile
without the intervention of the Company during the term of the
mandate, this implying not to take any steps to put it up for sale on
my side (advertising, advertisement, sales mandate, etc.);
to pay the Company any transfer tax for which it would be liable as
provide a copy of proof of identity, vehicle registration
document, technical inspection less than three (3) months old and an
insurance certificate.
Direct Sale Obtaining the best take-back offer
Object :
The Company offers the possibility to a User wishing to sell his automobile to consult his network of members via his digital platform in order to see if the automobile arouses the interest of one or more members and, if necessary, to obtain the best Recovery offer.
This service is free and without obligation to sell for the User.
Before consulting its network of members, the Company reserves the right to accept or refuse the automobile after having studied its characteristics and, in particular, the expected selling price of the User.
Process :
In order to benefit from the service, the User must complete a form allowing the Company to know the automobile he wishes to sell, including its expected selling price.
If necessary, the User accepts that the Company contacts him in order to obtain additional information on the said automobile.
Once the automobile has
been validated by the Company, the latter undertakes to consult its
network of members and to come back to the User with the interests of
its members and, if necessary, the best trade-in offer.
The free
service ends upon transmission to the User of information that
members are interested in his automobile and, where applicable, the
submission of anonymized offers from members of the Company's
Commitment and responsibility of the Company:
Company's commitment is limited to the simple consultation of its
network via its digital platform and the simple transmission of
anonymized offers received by the members of its network.
Company makes no commitment that the User's automobile will find a
buyer or to obtain a trade-in offer.
The Company is not
responsible for verifying the accuracy of offers and will not be
liable in the event that a member of its network has made an
inconsistent or inaccurate offer.
The Company does not commit to
any response time.
User commitment:
The User agrees to:
the real and serious intention of selling his automobile at the
expected selling price communicated to the Company;
provide the
Company with accurate and up-to-date information about his
This information must not be likely to undermine
public order or morality, to provoke protests from third parties, or
to contravene the legal provisions in force.
The User will be
asked to provide photographs of his automobile. These photographs
must be of sufficient quality and also unlikely to undermine public
order or morality, to provoke protests from third parties, or to
contravene the legal provisions in force.
The Company nevertheless
reserves the right to refuse or delete at its discretion any
information that it deems inappropriate or contrary to the spirit of
the Site.
The information communicated by the User is their sole
responsibility, it is therefore up to them to verify its accuracy and
immediately report any errors. Putting you in touch with
members who have made a takeover offer
Object :
transmission of interests and, where applicable, offers received by
the members of its network to the User, the Company will offer to put
it in contact with these members.
This service is payable for the
User only in the event of the sale of his automobile following this
Price :
The price
of this service will be due immediately by the User to the Company on
the day of the sale and is determined as follows:
seven hundred (700)
euros including tax for a sale price between 0 and 12,000 euros;
percent (6%) including VAT of the sale price for a sale price between
12,000 euros and 150,000 euros;
five percent (5%) including VAT of
the sale price for a sale price between 150,000 euros and 500,000
four percent (4%) including tax of the sale price for a
sale price exceeding 500,000 euros.
Process :
In the
event that the User requests to be put in touch with one or more
members of the network who have expressed their interest, the Company
will be the intermediary between the User and the said member or
members until they reach a price agreement.
If the potential buyer
wishes to see the vehicle before buying it, the contact details of
the User and the member of the network will be exchanged between
The User must keep the Company diligently informed of the
actual outcome of the sale.
Responsibility of the
The responsibility of the Company is limited to
connecting the User and the members of its network who have made an
The Company does not undertake to advise the User who will
be solely responsible for his choices such as whether or not to sell
his automobile and at the price he wishes.
The Company does not
undertake that the automobile finds a buyer.
User commitment:
User is prohibited from selling his vehicle without immediately
informing the Company.
The User accepts that members of the
network come to see and physically examine the automobile or send a
third person to come to see and examine it.
Request / purchase intermediary
This article defines the terms and conditions under which a User entrusts a mission to purchase one or more automobiles to the Company.
2.3.1 Broadcasting a request
Object :
The Company offers the possibility for a User looking for an automobile to consult its network, in particular via its digital platform by broadcasting a search ad, in order to find it.
This service is payable by the User.
Before consulting its network, the Company reserves the right to accept or refuse the request for the automobile after having studied its characteristics and, in particular, the User's budget.
Price :
The price of this request service will be due immediately by the User to the Company on the day of validation of the request by the Company and depends on the formula chosen.
This price will be deducted from the connection price in the event of the purchase of the automobile.
This price will be reimbursed in the event that the Company fails to find an automobile corresponding to the request within three (3) months of payment of the said price.
In order to benefit from the service, the User must complete an application form allowing the Company to know the automobile he is looking for, including his budget.
If necessary, the User accepts that the Company contacts him in order to obtain additional information on the said request.
Once the request has been validated by the Company, the latter undertakes to consult its network of members, in particular via its digital platform by broadcasting a search ad, and to come back to the User in the event of receipt of automobile proposals.
Commitment and responsibility of the Company:
The Company's commitment is limited to the simple consultation of its network and the simple transmission of any proposals received.
The Company does not undertake in any way that the User obtains proposals and finds the requested automobile.
The Company is not responsible in the event that information contained in a proposal received is inconsistent or inaccurate.
The Company does not commit to any response time.
User commitment:
The User agrees to:
have the real and serious intention of buying the vehicle sought with the budget communicated to the Company;
Responsibility of the
The responsibility of the Company is limited to
connecting the User and the members of its network who have made an
The Company does not undertake to advise the User who will
be solely responsible for his choices such as whether or not to sell
his automobile and at the price he wishes.
The Company does not
undertake that the automobile finds a buyer.
User commitment:
User is prohibited from selling his vehicle without immediately
informing the Company.
The User accepts that members of the
network come to see and physically examine the automobile or send a
third person to come to see and examine it.
2.3 Request / purchase
This article defines the terms and conditions under
which a User entrusts a mission to purchase one or more automobiles
to the Company.
2.3.1 Broadcasting a
Object :
The Company offers the possibility for a User
looking for an automobile to consult its network, in particular via
its digital platform by broadcasting a search ad, in order to find
This service is payable by the User.
Before consulting its
network, the Company reserves the right to accept or refuse the
request for the automobile after having studied its characteristics
and, in particular, the User's budget.
Price :
The price of
this request service will be due immediately by the User to the
Company on the day of validation of the request by the Company and
depends on the formula chosen.
This price will be deducted from
the connection price in the event of the purchase of the
This price will be reimbursed in the event that the
Company fails to find an automobile corresponding to the request
within three (3) months of payment of the said price.
In order
to benefit from the service, the User must complete an application
form allowing the Company to know the automobile he is looking for,
including his budget.
If necessary, the User accepts that the
Company contacts him in order to obtain additional information on the
said request.
Once the request has been validated by the Company,
the latter undertakes to consult its network of members, in
particular via its digital platform by broadcasting a search ad, and
to come back to the User in the event of receipt of automobile
Commitment and responsibility of the Company:
Company's commitment is limited to the simple consultation of its
network and the simple transmission of any proposals received.
Company does not undertake in any way that the User obtains proposals
and finds the requested automobile.
The Company is not responsible
in the event that information contained in a proposal received is
inconsistent or inaccurate.
The Company does not commit to any
response time.
User commitment:
The User agrees to:
have the
real and serious intention of buying the vehicle sought with the
budget communicated to the Company;
provide the Company with
accurate and up-to-date information at its request.
information must not be likely to undermine public order or morality,
to provoke protests from third parties, or to contravene the legal
provisions in force.
The Company nevertheless reserves the right
to refuse or delete at its discretion any information that it deems
inappropriate or contrary to the spirit of the Site.
information communicated by the User is their sole responsibility, it
is therefore up to them to verify its accuracy and immediately report
any errors.
Getting in touch with a person who offered one or more cars
Object :
After transmission of any car proposals to the User, the Company will offer to put him in contact with the proponents, help him with the transmission of information / exchange of questions between the proponent and him, as well as the price negotiation.
This service is payable for the User only in the event of the purchase of a car following this connection.
In the event of a purchase, the Company will offer the User assistance in filling out the transfer documents.
Price :
The price
of this service will be due immediately by the User to the Company on
the day of purchase of the automobile and is determined as follows,
before deduction of the possible price of the request distribution
three thousand (3,000) euros including tax for a purchase
price between 0 and 20,000 euros;
fifteen percent (15%) including
tax of the purchase price for a purchase price between 20,000 euros
and 35,000 euros;
twelve percent (12%) including tax of the
purchase price for a purchase price between 35,000 euros and 500,000
ten percent (10%) including VAT of the purchase price for a
purchase price exceeding 500,000 euros.
In the
event that the User asks to be put in contact with one or more
proponents who have offered one or more automobiles, the Company will
be the intermediary between the User and the said proponent(s) until
they reach a price agreement.
If the User wishes to see the
automobile before buying it, the details of the User and the member
of the network will be exchanged between them.
The User must keep
the Company diligently informed of the actual outcome of the sale.
Responsibility of the
The responsibility of the Company is limited to
connecting the User and the Proposers.
Except in the case where
the User so wishes, involving the ordering of another service, the
Company does not undertake to check the automobile(s) offered by the
service providers.
The User who will be solely responsible for his
choices such as whether or not to buy the automobile and at the price
he wishes. The Company does not guarantee the automobile(s) purchased
but may, if the User wishes, sell him a mechanical breakdown warranty
User commitment:
The User agrees not to buy the
automobile without immediately informing the Company.
If he wishes, and with the
agreement of the other party, the User may entrust the Company with
the mission of sequestering the purchase or sale price of the
The escrow mission entrusted to the Company makes it
possible to secure the payment between the User and a member of the
This mission consists for the Company of collecting the
price of the automobile in an escrow account and releasing it once
the sale has been concluded between the User and the other
Before the sale is concluded, on first request, the party
having paid funds into said escrow account may request reimbursement,
which the Company undertakes to do within three (3) working days.
User accepts that the price of the Company's services are
automatically and automatically deducted by the Company when the
price of the escrow account is released.
Other Services
The Company markets
services that it subcontracts such as expertise, financing, transport or
The Company distributes a mechanical breakdown
warranty service.